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Dog Spots An Injured Cat On The Sidewalk — And Knows Exactly How To Help Her

Despite the stories – cats and dogs can actually get along. Not all cats and dogs get along, but some do. I have a dog who likes to snuggle with her feline siblings. The dog in this story didn’t even know the cat he helped. The people who saw the large dog approach the small …

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This German Grocery Store’s Cat Ad Is The Funniest Thing You’ll Ever See Today!

We all need food, and we all have to visit grocery stores to buy most of what we eat. It is often hard to decide which store to go to – right? Each week stores put out their ads, and we all sift through them to find the best deals. You many end up going …

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Cat And Owl Are Unusual Best Friends, But When They Start Playing The Results Are Priceless!

Birds and cats are natural enemies – right? We all remember those Tweety Bird and Sylvester cartoons. Even our house cats make that weird noise when they see birds outside. But not all cats and birds are enemies. The two friends featured in the video below are Fum and Gebra – an owl and a …

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Tiny Paralyzed Kitten Rescued From Storm Drain Can’t Believe She Will Walk Again!

Talleyrand, the kitten, was found in a storm drain when she was just two months old. She was in terrible shape. She was paralyzed and could barely hold her own head up. The people at the Humane Rescue Alliance were not willing to give up on her. Nikki Link, a vet nurse, said when Talleyrand …

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Tiny Lost And Confused Kitten Calls For Mom. When Mom Responds My Heart Melted!

Get ready for cuteness overload! The tiny striped kitten in this video is a little turned around at first. He mews for his mom. She is just behind him, but he can’t see her the way he is facing. He mews (a rather pitiful cry). His mom mews back. He eventually turns and faces his …

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Family Starts Recording Their Cat, Then Suddenly He Finds A New Toy To Play With!

Cats are curious. At my house, you can tell when the cats have found something interesting because they will all gather (in a circle) around the ‘foreign’ object and watch. They can often get themselves into trouble with the things they find. Anything that hangs down from a high height is fair game for cats. …

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Poor Kitten Rescued From A Meat Farm Was So Hungry He Was Eating Dirt

Ek Park is the founder of Free Korean Dogs (FKD), a rescue organization that removes dogs from Korean meat farms. Once the dogs are rescued, FKD relocates the dogs to North America where they can find happy forever homes. Ek and her team had visited one dog meat farm on a couple previous occasions. When …

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Man Mourning Death Of His Beloved Pet Receives A Tear-Jerking Letter From A Stranger

Losing a pet is one of the hardest things you will go through. One man, Scott Ewels, lost his cat and was understandably heartbroken. He later learned that his kitty had made another human friend who was mourning the loss as well. Bear had died after being hit by a vehicle last month. Bear and …

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Cat Who Went Out To Play Returned Home After Several Hours With An Unexpected Surprise

You know the familiar line, a kid comes home with a dog sitting next to him and asks, “Can I keep it, Mom?” As if by fate or something, the child found a new friend and wants to keep it forever and ever. We have that very thing happening in this story – except that …

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Man Finds Stray Cat Eating Left Over Burger. Then Cat Lets Him Know She Needs Help

About a year ago, a man saw a rough looking tortie kitten outside a factory in Houston. The cat was trying to eat a leftover cheeseburger. When the kitten saw the man, she walked up and started to rub on his legs – she wanted some love. The man, Imgur used wollstone, recalls that the …

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