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Sleepy Cat Hears His Human Coughing, But No One Was Prepared For This Response!

When people snore, it can sometimes be annoying to others in the same room (or even in the same house). We say that they are ‘sawing logs’ when they snore – because that is what snoring can sometimes sound like. The cat in this video is snoring, but the sound he is making is nothing …

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He Asked His Dogs To Roll Over, But It’s The Cat’s Reaction That’ll Have You In Stitches!

Have you ever trained your dog to do tricks? I have trained my dog to sit, lay down, get back up, and give both paws. It wasn’t easy, though! There were many hours I spent with my dog going through all the motions. Some tricks were easier for him to learn than others. But the …

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She Never Gave Up On Her Paralyzed Cat, Instead She Helped Him Try To Walk Again

Did you take swimming lessons when you were a kid? I did. But, I never liked swimming all that much. Then there was the deep end. They always made us dive in – head first! I was always glad when that part was over. Swimming is actually very good exercise and is used for many …

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Rescuers Come Across A Ginger Cat With A Large Empty Tape Roll Over is Neck

Cats are curious, and that can be trouble! Just look at this poor ginger kitty. The cat probably thought that roll of tape would be a fun toy – but it turned out to be a trap that the cat couldn’t get out of on his own! Some people found the cat living on the …

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3-Week-Old Kitten Spots A Distressed Boy And Becomes His Guardian Angel For Life

Most people think that cats are not loving. But, it simply isn’t true. I will admit that dogs show their love more openly. There are some cats that would rather not snuggle – but most cats love to cuddle and show their love. The two angels you see here are a 7-year-old boy and a …

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Pregnant Cat Takes Over Innocent Man’s Home And Fills His Life With Total Chaos

What happens if a stray cat winds up on your porch? Do you take it in and care for it – or do you just feed it, but don’t take much more interest? We had one show up on our porch, but she wouldn’t let us get close. We put food out for her every …

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Man Hears Weird Sounds Inside His Empty Apartment. What He Records Is Hilarious!

Animals are amazing. They have the ability to make us laugh. They can comfort us in our times of need. We can always count on them for support and as lap or feet warmers! Every now and again, they surprise us. They may have suddenly learned that trick we have been trying to teach them …

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How Mama Cat Saves The Life Of This Dying Puppy Will Leave You In Tears

Animals have a sixth sense. They can tell when something is about to happen (like thunderstorms or tornadoes). They can also sense when there is another creature in need of help. Most animals show more compassion and understanding than people do. The puppy in this story was abandoned when he was just one day old. …

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Boy Who Was Anxious About Starting Preschool Gets Reassurance From Their Family Cat!

Most kids don’t need encouragement to get into trouble – it comes naturally – right? But sometimes, young children need encouragement to do something new (and potentially scary) – like go to school. When William Dutton was three years old, he was a little hesitant about going to preschool. Milly Moos, the family cat was …

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People Are Offering $50,000 To Find The Person Who Tortured This Cat

Monsters are real. Not the ones that hid in the closet or under the bed, though. The monsters we are talking about disguise themselves as human beings. One such monster tortured this innocent kitten in Utah. Sage, the cat, was just outside in his yard (minding his own business) when he was taken and tortured. …

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