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Cops Show Up To Wrong House And Shoot Little Boy’s Dog At His Birthday Party

Eli Malone was having a birthday party. He was turning five. The children at the party had just gone inside the house to have cake when they all heard a loud bang. They looked outside to see the family dog, Opie lying on the ground bleeding. Opie had been shot by an Oklahoma, police officer. …

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6-Year-Old Son Passes Away. When Parents Return From Hospital, They Find A Note He Left For Them

Have you ever looked at your child and wondered how they can be so amazing? Some children are just wise beyond their years. Leland Shoemake was one of those children. Sadly, he died on September 25, 2015. He has contracted meningitis from an ameba (Balamuthia mandrillaris). Amber, Leland’s mom, believes he got the deadly infection …

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13-Year-Old Says He Wants To Run Away From Home And Tells Cop To Look Inside His Empty Room

Most teenagers will have arguments with their parents. It is part of growing up. When Cameron Simmons, 13, fought with his mom he decided to run away. Officer Gaetano Acerra came to the family’s home after Cameron called the police. Cameron showed Acerra his bedroom and shared his story. Cameron’s bedroom was empty, no personal …

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Foster Son Starves While Mom And Daughter Enjoy Their Meal — What Would You Do?

At first glance, it would have seemed that a foster mother is showing favoritism over her biological daughter over her adopted son during lunch at a nearby restaurant. Several onlookers told the mother off, showing their disapproval for her actions. What they didn’t know that it was a hidden camera show by ABC, titled “What Would You …

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This Video Will Probably Be The Best 90 Seconds Of Your Day, Guaranteed

This video is part of the Baby Cop video series by the TV show of the same name – about a baby who’s a cop! It was so popular, it is now a part of an exclusive video series on YouTube! In this story, a teddy bear acts a friend of the family and one of …

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Homeless Boy Sits Next To A Rich Boy. Moments Later His Nightmares Become Reality

You may be sorry when you make a wish – right? You should always be careful of what you wish for. The video below is a production from the Media Arts Production Skills (MAPS) film school and is called “My Shoes.” The little homeless boy is ridiculed by his classmates for his looks and his …

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Mom Is Surprised When Her Son Won’t Enter School After Being Dropped Off, Then She Realizes Why

In the news, we have our so-called sports ‘heroes’ not showing respect as the national anthem is being played before they play. Those men are not heroes – we shouldn’t look up to them or aspire to be like them. We all need to be like Royce Thompson, and he is just five years old. …

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3-Year-Old Boy Paralyzed, Nearly Dies From Simple Tick Bite

Three-year-old children are very energetic. So when Collin, 3, was not up and running around, as usual, his parents were concerned. Their little boy was laying in bed and just staring up at them, he couldn’t move – he was paralyzed. Stephanie and Dillon tried to think. The night before, Collin had hit his head …

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Officer Notices Boy Walk Into Police Station, Quickly Notices What’s Around Boy’s Neck

Did you ever notice how something as simple as a hug can make you feel better? Five-year-old Jayden woke up crying during the night last September. The helicopters and siren noise woke him up – it was very loud and scary. Jayden and his mom, Deanna Hooker, live in Charlotte, North Carolina and there was …

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Mom’s Friend Shot Toddler In The Head Because He Was Crying Uncontrollably

Harry, 18-months, Riley, 2, and their mom, Amy Allen went over to a friend’s house in the UK. Harry was crying “too much” according to Amy’s friend Emma Horseman. Emma told her partner to shoot Harry. Emma claims she told her fiance just to scare Harry to get him to stop crying. Sadly, Harry was …

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