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Mom Goes To Preschool To Find Her Baby Has Been Bitten

A day care is supposed to keep children safe while their parents are away. They’re definitely not supposed to do… whatever this mess classifies as. Tracy Blinoy didn’t think too much of it until she got a disturbing phone call. In Busy Hands, a daycare center in Montana where she left her daughter Eliana for the …

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Baby Abandoned In The Trash Grows Up To Learn That She Knew Her Mother All Along

Janet Barnicoat was abandoned in a trash bag when she was a baby. But that didn’t stop her from trying to find her birth mother. During her journey, Janet met her half-siblings, Dean and Julie. All three of them had been abandoned by their mother in the same way! Using a DNA test from, …

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Mom Thinks Her Baby Is Dead In The Fire — Until She Realizes Their Dog Made An Incredible Sacrifice

Life can change in the blink of an eye. Erika Poremski, from Baltimore, can attest to that statement. On August 14, 2016, Erika had just stepped out to grab something from her car when a fire broke out. There had been a power outage, and the candle Erika had lit is believed to be the …

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Mom Hits Record When She Spots Garbageman Picking Up Her Kid. Then She Posts It Online

Sanitation workers are a necessity. They are vital in our communities. Gray, sixteen-months-old, is absolutely fascinated with his neighborhood sanitation workers. The huge truck brings a smile to many children’s faces! Gray and his parents live in Baton Rouge and their sanitation worker, Mr. Anthony, is somewhat of a hero to Gray. Gray and Mr. …

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Video: Dad Starts Filming Because He Knew His Wife Wouldn’t Believe Him!

Some people don’t believe what you tell them – they need proof. Some things are just too hard to believe, and a little evidence can help support your claims. Now, if I told you that I saw a dog playing with a baby, you wouldn’t have a hard time believing me – right? Well, good! …

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Baby Won’t Stop Crying For Mom Who’s Running Errands So Dad Holds Up Her Shirt

It is so hard to comfort a baby sometimes. You know that they have eaten and that they have on a clean diaper. Maybe they are tired – but you can’t convince them to sleep (being overtired is a very bad thing for babies!). The three-month-old boy in this video needs something. His mom has …

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Baby Who Won’t Stop Crying Gets Tickled By Boxer Who Rushes To Comfort Him! (Video)

Dog and kids. Kids and dogs. Just having one makes your life fuller – having both is a blessing! They love to run and play (and get into trouble together!) Katie Wahrhaftig is blessed, she has a 9-month-old human baby, Graham, and a canine baby, Jeeves. Jeeves was adopted when Katie was 5 months pregnant. …

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Dad Found The Perfect Way To Keep His Baby Sleeping Peacefully (Video)

Dads can be rather creative when it comes to taking care of the baby! Men think they have it all figured out! They think that taking care of an infant is easy! The trouble is that dads only take care of the baby for a few hours at a time – so, yes, for a …

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Mom Who Killed Her Baby And Shot Herself Leaves Letter For Husband

In a murder-suicide, 40-year-old Sheri Shermeyer, a mother, suffocated her 12-month-old son, John Russell, and then shot herself. Before doing this, the Pennsylvania mother left a note – a long, angry message on Facebook to her husband one day after Christmas. A friend had seen Sheri’s post and called the police. The police found Sheri …

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Mom Shared A Photo Of Her Baby On Facebook, Notices This Fatal Mistake Too Late

Car seats carry some very precious cargo. If the car seat isn’t properly installed or it is used the wrong way, there are some terrible consequences. A young boy was ejected from his parent’s vehicle and later died. His mother is now encouraging parents to pay attention when they buckle their children into the car …

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