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3-Week-Old Dies In Dog Attack After Being Left Alone With Family’s Three Pit Bulls

Her parents left her alone in their Grand Rapids home with the family dog – they were only gone for five minutes. When they returned, they saw that she had been bitten by the dog. The pit bull was standing next to the 3-week-old infant, Susannah, – with blood around its mouth. The baby wasn’t …

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Overprotective Mom Leaves Baby In The Care Of Young Niece. Minutes Later Receives This Photo

It is hard for some parents to leave their baby in the hands of a babysitter for the first time. You can never tell if they are going to be as vigilant as you are with your child. Claudia Sorhaindo was nervous when she left her daughter, Ava, with her niece, J’Ann. Claudia only had …

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Parents Put Baby To Bed For The Night – Suddenly, The Family Dog Exhibits Extremely Bizarre Behavior

Meet Duke, a pooch who was lucky enough to be adopted by Jenna Brousseau and her family. He stayed with the couple for a period of 11 strong years. Jenna then had a baby girl, and he took on the role of baby protector. One night, Duke suddenly leaped onto the couple’s bed – something was amiss. jenna and …

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Nurse Tries Cleaning Up Newborn, But Can’t Believe When Baby Starts ‘Running’ Away!

Most newborns don’t have much motor control – they lay in their cribs and may kick their feet and wave their arms, but they don’t do much of anything else. Until now! The video below comes to us from Brazil, and it features a very active and advanced newborn! The nurse was trying to clean …

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Mother Sparks Outrage For Picture Of Baby Smoking, Then Things Take A Turn (Photos)

Some people are too irresponsible to be parents. It seems discipline and hard work are not as important to parents these days. Take a look at this baby. The image was posted on Instagram, and as you can imagine, there was quite an uproar on social media. Some people are calling for the child to …

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Cat Protects Baby From Babysitter As Soon As He Thinks He’s In Danger

We have heard stories about how dogs will protect their family from intruders or other animals. But, it is a rare thing to read about a cat who protects their family. Most people think cats are aloof – but think again! The following video is security camera footage that shows a toddler playing with a …

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Babysitter Accused Of Burning Toddler And Lying About It

Christian Johnston, 36, was babysitting a toddler in Independence, Missouri on May 6th and 7th. The parents were shocked to see their son’s hands wrapped in gauze and socks when they came to pick him up. Johnston had sent a text the day before saying that their son had burned his hands while reaching for …

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Cop Pulls Over Man For Not Having Baby In Car Seat. Then Spots Wife’s Pregnancy Test

No one ever wants to get pulled over by the police. It is embarrassing and infuriating! In this video, the woman actually planned to have her husband pulled over to tell him some fantastic news! The husband was clearly nervous about being pulled over, his wife, Nikki, tells him to relax. Then the husband nervousness …

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Stranger Spots Newborn Alone In The Car With A Chilling Note That Left Everyone Speechless

Some people are just – I have no words. A mother actually left her newborn child in a car while she went grocery shopping in Porirua, New Zealand. The New York Daily News reported that she had left a note that said the mom was shopping and if the baby needed anything to call the …

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Families Comforted By Photo Showing Crash Victims ‘Going Up Pathway To Heaven’

In a tragic accident, Hannah Simmons, 23, her daughter A’lannah, 9-months-old, and her friend Lauren Buteau, 28, were all killed when the car they were in veered into oncoming traffic. The accident blocked traffic for some time. In the line of traffic was Anisa Gannon, who was on her way to work. She took a …

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