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Baby Born With Unique White Streak Through Hair Just Like Her Mom

One look at this adorable baby and you may wonder who would want to dye that patch of hair white? Well, stop worrying – it is genetic! The adorable infant, named MilliAnna, lives in South Carolina with her mom, Brianna Worthy. Here is MilliAnna at eighteen months – and she has the same hair coloration …

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Family Hurries To Meet Newborn, But Had No Idea There Was Another Baby In There

In this day and age, you should be able to find out if you are having a boy or a girl when you get pregnant. You should also learn if you are having one baby or twins – or more! Theresa Slater and her husband were expecting baby number five and wanted to have everything …

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Dad Puts Baby’s Cold Hand Under The Cover – But Their Nanny Cam Captured Something Strange

Having a new baby in the house usually means sleepless nights. WE do what we can to make sure the baby is fed, dry, and comfortable – but they will still find something to cry about in the wee hours of the morning! In this video, some parents actually have a sleeping baby and are, …

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Mother Wakes To Baby Screaming, Barely Makes It Down Hall Before It Hits Her

Have you ever heard of a crying baby saving an entire family? Me either – but read on and you will! Monique Ruppel shared the story about how her daughter, Celia, saved her family’s lives! Like most infants, Celia would wake up several times during the night and Monique and her husband, Kyle, would get …

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They Were Not Sure How Their Adopted Cat Would React To Their Baby

Cats are not known for being the most patient creatures on earth. You can be petting them and then all of a sudden they latch on to your arm and start biting you! To call cats fickle is an understatement! You really have to be careful when introducing a newborn to any family pet – …

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Man Who Crushed Baby To Death Said He ‘Felt Better’ After Stepping On Her

Daniel Ruiz, 25, was watching television and used his foot to crush a 1-year-old girl to death! He is now facing 25 years to life in prison. What would make a man do such a thing? Well, Ruiz was babysitting two children so his girlfriend Terra and a friend of hers named Andrea could go …

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Baby Dies After Parents Make One Common Mistake

A simple kiss. Well, it wasn’t really a simple kiss because the baby caught herpes meningitis from it and is now dead. Mariana Sifrit was only 18-days old when she died on July 18 in Iowa. Her parents had exchanged their wedding vows only two hours before her death. When Mariana was six-days old, she …

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Mom Brutally Beaten By Her Own Family After Giving Birth When They See What Came Out Of Her (Video)

Some circles of individuals in certain countries around the world continue to shame women who give birth to girls instead of boys. That is what happened to Meena Kashyap, a 35-year-old woman from Patiala, Punjab, India. After giving birth to a female baby, her brother-in-law Kamaljeet Singh and his friend Guarav entered her home and beat …

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Mother-Of-Six Gets Death Threats After Piercing Her Baby’s Dimple

When Enedina Vance, a mother from Ohio, posted a Photoshopped photograph of her baby daughter with a prominent cheek piercing to protest and raise awareness against child circumcision and serious body modifications, she didn’t expect for people to miss the mark of her message! She aptly captioned the post with a tirade of overemphasized comments …

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Man Who Cuts 3-Year-Old’s Throat And Dumps Body In Shaft, Given Day Releases

Aliya Zilic was arrested and held at a mental hospital due to the brutal murder of his 3-year-old son, Imran, in 2008. However, due to being found not guilty because of mental incompetence, he may be released back into the world soon. Zilic slit the throat of his son and threw him down a mine …

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