We all know that dolphins are smart and friendly. Seeing a dolphin in the wild must be something truly amazing! Certain locales will let you come and swim with the dolphins, but it turns out that may not be such a good idea after all. Especially if you are the dolphin.

Image Credit: binder.donedat / Flickr
Since the dolphins are a major tourist attraction, you probably realize they are kept caged or penned up. They are prisoners to humans and are not treated very well at all.

Image Credit: Brian Shamblen / Flickr
Any debris that floats near their enclosure puts them at risk for injury.

Image Credit: Colleen Pence / Flickr
Dolphins that live in pens also experience psychological distress which can cause them to become anxious, dangerous, and frustrated.

Image Credit: Cory Doctorow / Flickr
Wouldn’t you get upset if you were kept in a pen all day against your will? I know I would.

Image Credit: Oliver Clarke / Flickr