Teachers do not have the easiest job. Not only do they have to instruct young minds, but they also often have to be a police officer, nurse, and mother (or father) figure to their students.
Some teachers even their own money to buy supplies for their classrooms. One teacher in Round Lake, Illinois created the tennis ball chair for her students – isn’t she so kind and considerate to do so?

Image Credit: Raymond Ellis Elementary School / Facebook
Looking at this chair, you may think no one would want to sit in it – right? Well, Amy Maplethorpe, says the chair is helping her students. Amy teaches in the speech and language department at Raymond Ellis Elementary school – she calls the chairs “sensory seating.”

Image Credit: frwl / Wikimedia
Sensory seating, the school reported, is used for students who have a hard time processing information from their senses.

Image Credit: Sam Howzit / Wikimedia