Stay-at-home mothers have it rough, and we should learn to show our appreciation for all the love, care, sweat and time they put into simple, yet everyday essential things in our family lives. Mothers usually have a never-ending list of chores and do-to-lists, which could range from going to the grocery store, to cooking, taking care of the kids, housework and managing finances.
One child is already tough to take care of – can you imagine having two or more children? Dads at work normally aren’t physically around enough to know what’s going on – all they have to do is to bring back the dough to feed their family. But mothers are the backbone of the family – as one mother proves it to be so. After a day’s chores, she slumps down in her seat, too tired to move.

Image Credit: Story of This Life / YouTube
After a long day at work, dad comes home to ask his children how they’ve been – and gets an unexpectedly mature answer from his daughter. Mom was greatly touched by her words, too!

Image Credit: Story of This Life / YouTube
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