What do you do when you see a stray dog living on the street?
You help in any way you can, of course, and this is exactly what Anand Raman did on one hot day in Dubai.
Anand spotted a stray dog barely hanging on to life, all curled up under a parked car, surviving on scraps of food.
Anand knew immediately what needed to be done, a little TLC goes a long way, he thought.

Instagram/Anand Raman
As soon as he made eye contact with the malnourished dog, the dog walked over to him and that’s when Anand realized just how weak the poor pup was.
He immediately put the pup in the car and that’s when the sweetest thing happened!
The moment this sweet pup realized he was safe, he placed his head on Anand’s shoulder and fell asleep.
Anand’s sister drove them both to the vet who confirmed that the poor dog was severely malnourished and once he was healthy again, his wobbly walk would improve.
Anand brought the pup back home and gave him a bath, which revealed the pup’s pure white fur! And so the name Snowy came into effect!

Instagram/Anand Raman
Because this pup may have lived a long time on the street, Anand thought that adjusting life indoors was going to be tough for the pup, but that wasn’t the case.
As soon as the pup realized he was safe, he adjusted pretty fast!
The pup would run back to Anand’s apartment complex whenever he used to go out on a walk with Anand, all because he was afraid to be abandoned again.
Anand stated that it took Snowy a while to realize he was never going to be abandoned again.

Instagram/Anand Raman
Snowy found a loving second chance to life, as most stray and abandoned pups should.
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