Michael takes his son out camping quite often. The two have a secret spot they like to set up camp – one weekend, they had an unusual visitor. On Imgur, Michael shared the story about how they met the stray cat. You could tell be looking at the cat that she was very hungry.

Image Credit: Michael S / Imgur
Michael’s son started to pet the cat, and soon the two were good friends! Michael’s son did some fishing to get some food for the cat, they hadn’t packed any supplies for the feline!

Image Credit: Michael S / Imgur
All day, the cat was right there! After they all had eaten though, the cat vanished. How rude – right?!

Image Credit: Michael S / Imgur
You get a free meal and then just take off! It was dark, and time for sleeping, so Michael and his son turned in. A few hours later, she returned, with more hungry mouths to feed!

Image Credit: Michael S / Imgur