Michelle from Milo’s Sanctuary said that no one is sure how long Skimble has been a stray – but they were will to take him in.

Image Credit: Milo’s Sanctuary
Skimble was diagnosed with Cryptococcus, which is a severe fungal infection. Skimble began his treatments immediately. Michelle said it can take several years before Skimble is free from the infection.
He may test negative, but it still could be in his system. Here is Skimble after a few months of treatment!

Image Credit: Casey Christopher / ImogenTheKitten
He looks great (and even seems to look happier!). Skimble is now part of Milo’s Lifetime Care Program. He will never be left out on the streets again.

Image Credit: Casey Christopher / ImogenTheKitten
He will have a full belly and a place to lay his head for the rest of his life. You can help support Milo’s by making a donation.

Image Credit: Casey Christopher / ImogenTheKitten
Share away, people.
[h/t LoveMeow]