Do you know what a pet sitter does? They take care of your pets when you are unable to. Sadly, a pet sitter took advantage of someone and actually stole the dogs they were supposed to be sitting for and sold them. The two dogs, Bella and Rosie, were owned by Ekemini Udoh, and they all lived in Rock Hill, South Carolina.

Image Credit: Facebook / Bella and Rosie
In September 2016, Udoh was hospitalized. The sitter, Barry Maurice Sharpe, took Bella and Rosie and sold them. Sharpe was arrested in December, but the two dogs have not been found. Udoh has been released from the hospital and is desperate to find his dogs.

Image Credit: Facebook / Bella and Rosie
Please share this story and Bella and Rosie’s pictures so that they can be reunited. Both dogs have microchips and have been spayed. Udoh is offering a $2,000 reward for their return. Sharpe is facing two charges of felony larceny for taking the dogs.
[h/t Pet Rescue Report]