In 1994, Villasenor had enlisted in the Air Force and pitched for the Charleston Air Force Base’s softball league. Tragically, in 2010, Villasenor was killed in a car accident, he was 36.
After hearing this touching story, Jake added one more thing to his daily routine. He not only watered Liz’s plot, but he also watered Villasenor’s too.

Image Credit: Facebook / Roger Reissig
The next time Villasenor’s parents, Rachel and Raymond, came to visit their son’s grave, they were surprised at how beautiful the plot looked.

Image Credit: HLN
Rachel felt as if an angel was watching over her son and took comfort in it. Some angels walk among us. Maybe you know one – maybe you are one!

Image Credit: Facebook / Roger Reissig
Such a simple act of kindness brought peace to one grieving family. Be kind. Reach out to someone today – it can make a world of difference!
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