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Puppy Found Behind Dumpster Was Listed Online For $10, But She’d Soon Prove That She’s Priceless

Brooks then reached out to Andrea Bertolucci, a veterinary advisor for Marley’s Mutts. Snowflake was given fluids, and within a few days, Snowflake’s condition got better.

puppy dumpster

Image Credit: Marley’s Mutts

The shuffling continued as Snowflake went to live with a foster family. There she met the family’s dog, Massie. Massie assumed the role of momma dog and comforted Snowflake. Massie has been showing Snowflake what it is like to be a dog – and how to behave!

puppy dumpster

Image Credit: Marley’s Mutts

Snowflake will be ready for adoption in about a month. Let us hope she finds a stable home and doesn’t have to continue moving around. If you are interested, visit Marley’s Mutts website for more information.

puppy dumpster

Image Credit: Marley’s Mutts

Remember to adopt a pet – don’t buy them from pet stores or backyard breeders.