Wear long pants and long sleeves. Light colored clothing worn in thin layers will keep you cooler than you think. Plus, you won’t be as likely to have ticks crawling all over you! Run a lint roller over yourself when you come back in the house, it will take off the bugs that are crawling on you! Yikes!

Image Credit: Pixabay
You can also use bug repellents. But who wants to spray a bunch of stinky chemicals on their skin? Not me! Instead, you can use essential oils to keep ticks and other pests away!
Lavender oil is a great choice to keep the bugs at bay.

Image Credit: Pixabay
You will smell lovely, and pests will leave you alone! Lemon oil will repel fleas and ticks. You may want to add a little water to it before spraying it on your skin though. Lemongrass is another good choice. You can spray it right on your skin, and the ticks will stay away!
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