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One Winter, Her Cat Suddenly Started Fluffing Up, Doubling In Size. Then She Realized Why…

So they can stay dry and warm in the winter! Bring on the cold!

siberian cats

Image Credit: Alla Lebedeva / Imgur

Siberian cats are a national treasure in Russia, according to In June 1990, the first Siberian cats arrived in the United States.

siberian cats

Image Credit: Alla Lebedeva / Imgur

Siberian cats are known for their power, balance, strength and size.

siberian cats

Image Credit: Alla Lebedeva / Imgur

Thanks to Alla who took these incredible photos of her cats enjoying the cold, snowy winter and shared them with us all on Imgur!

siberian cats

Image Credit: Alla Lebedeva / Imgur

Share away, people!

[h/t LoveMeow]