This Persian cat was all alone, getting bullied by other cats, when an act of kindness gave him a second chance at a better life.
Brian had been abandoned in Qatar, spent good amounts of time hiding from other rogue cats.
He was so dirty that his fur had become fully matted all the way down to his skin.

Image Credit: Happy Homes Animal Rescue
He was perpetually on the hunt for food scraps and didn’t have friends.
But despite his harsh life, whenever humans reach out to him with food in their hands, he happily goes up to them with trust.

Image Credit: Happy Homes Animal Rescue
Yolanda, who runs EvenStar Charitable Organization, heard about this cat being fed by some kindhearted souls and went to take him in.

Image Credit: Happy Homes Animal Rescue
The moment she picked him up, he was immediately happy to be rescued and it didn’t take long before he was purring lovingly.

Image Credit: Happy Homes Animal Rescue
The cat then received some much-needed TLC from a vet and was shaved to remove the matted fur.
He even had a bath and ate a nice full meal – as much as he wanted to help him regain strength.

Image Credit: Happy Homes Animal Rescue
It wasn’t long before he had received a full health treatment, was microchipped, and could be sent to the Happy Homes Animal Rescue in New Jersey, America.

Image Credit: Happy Homes Animal Rescue
Brian now has a foster home and craves attention constantly, always purring and snuggling up to his foster parents.
He’s a bit defensive due to his bad experiences, but he’s well-mannered, docile, and loving.

Image Credit: Happy Homes Animal Rescue
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