Meet Tessa, a 12-year-old dog who had been betrayed by the people she thought she could trust. After her former owner moved to Canada, she was entrusted to her owner’s neighbor, who then heartlessly left her alone in the middle of a grass field with all of her belongings in tow – her bowls, bed, collar and a horrifying note which he wrote. Alan Webster of South Yorkshire Pet Ambulance found Tessa, and was shocked when he read it.

Image Credit: The Dodo
Thankfully, Dogs Trust took Tessa in, where hopefully, she’ll be able to find a loving owner once again.

Image Credit: The Dodo
The man who abandoned poor Tessa has been found and taken into custody, although it remains to be seen if he would face justice for what he did to this poor dog.

Image Credit: The Dodo
We pray that this sweet pooch gets a forever loving home soon!

Image Credit: The Dodo
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