Humans have explored just about every inch of land on this earth. The funny thing is that the earth is 70% water and we have barely explored the oceans. Part of the reason is the equipment needed to explore underwater. Anyway, some scientists in Australia found a ruby seadragon in the wild – the first one ever to be found!

Image Credit: YouTube
This is just one of three species of the elusive seadragons. The other species of seadragons are the leafy and weedy seadragons. Check out the video below. It is the first video footage ever taken of this creature! Seadragons are ornately camouflaged and blend in perfectly with their surroundings, according to National Geographic.

Image Credit: YouTube
You will notice that too when you watch the video. Fun fact, just like seahorses, seadragon males do the childbearing. Habitat loss and pollution have caused a the number of seadragons to fall, they are listed as near threatened.
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