Straight from the harsh streets of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pictures of two puppies have gone viral – for good reason. They clung onto one another, trembling and scared of human touch for fear that a pair of human hands would drive them apart.
For strays, these two puppies already had a hard life by themselves, with no human to care for their every need. When they were found and rescued, they were hugging each other with quivering eyes.

Image Credit: Daily Mail
It was until a group of Buddhist nuns decided to give them a home – right in their temple.

Image Credit: Daily Mail
However, the two were still thick as thieves.

Image Credit: Daily Mail
The beige-colored pup is always protecting the other, acting as a big brother in his stead.

Image Credit: Daily Mail
Looks like these two puppies are truly the best of friends – no matter what happens!
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