Blankets offer security and warmth to people – and animals around the world! Lambert, the lion, is no exception! Lambert lives in at In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center and has been a resident since he was three-months old!

Image Credit: In-Sync Exotics / Facebook
Lambert was originally seized by a man whose children wanted a lion cub of their very own after watching Disney’s The Lion King. When Lambert first arrived at In-Sync, he didn’t even know how to act like a lion!
Lambert was also rather anxious, so Vicky Keahy, In-Sync’s founder, got a blanket for his enclosure. As soon as Lambert saw the blanket, he curled up on it and fell asleep! When it is raining outside, Lambert will seek “shelter” in his trusty blanket!

Image Credit: In-Sync Exotics / Facebook
Lambert is now 2-years-old and still loves to snuggle with his blanket! Watch the video below to see this big kitty snuggle with a blanket!
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