These adorable pups were found living in caves. A good Samaritan called Hope For Paws and some volunteers went to round up the pups. There were eight puppies and no momma dog. Using a cheeseburger as bait, the volunteers were able to get a pup to come out of the cave.

Image Credit: N/A
When Lisa Arturo picked up the first pup, the others got spooked and ran further into the cave! With no choice, the volunteers had to go in after them. One at a time all the puppies were rescued. But, before they left, they gave the cave one last look.

Image Credit: N/A
It is a good thing they did, there was one more puppy in there! This pup was the runt of the litter, and he too was rescued. Watch the video below called “Epic Puppy Rescue!”
Check it out!
The puppies were named Heaven, Angel, Solomon, Sarah, Abraham, Luke, Mary, Isaac, and Ezekiel.
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