Having your dog spayed is supposed to be a routine procedure.
But when Cutie Pie, a rescue pup, went in for her procedure something went horribly wrong, and doctors lost her heartbeat!
After four minutes, Cutie Pie was pronounced dead – but the doctors decided to put her in an oxygen chamber to see if it may revive her, what did they have to lose?
The video was posted on July 26, 2017, and in it, Dr. Bill Langhofer explained that Cutie Pie’s brain wasn’t getting oxygen.
Inside the oxygen chamber, she would get an ‘extra’ push of oxygen to her brain and give it time to heal.
It took five days, but it worked! Cutie Pie has come back to life!
Watch the video for more information!
Normally, this type of treatment would cost between $3,000 and $4,000!
But, Cutie Pie got hers for no charge!
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