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10-Week-Old Puppy Found In A Box On The Side Of The Road

Hanners is no stranger to rescuing dogs, he has eight pugs he has rescued, and through the organization Hounds in Pounds, he fosters dogs!

dog rescued from box

Image Credit: Earl Hanners

After a brief period in quarantine, Hanners introduce Bridget to the rest of the family! It didn’t take long for Bridget to become a full-fledged member of the pack!

dog rescued from box

Image Credit: Earl Hanners

The person responsible for abandoning Bridget was never found. But what is important now is that Bridget has a loving home and will be cared for – for the rest of her life!

dog rescued from box

Image Credit: Earl Hanners

Consider adopting your next pet. Animal shelters are overfilled with loving animals that deserve good homes.

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