His little sea lion buddy stayed on board the whole time! Not sure what was going on, and wondering if the sea lion might be sick, Rick called Harbor Patrol and was connected with a man from Animal Rescue.

Image Credit: Rick Coleman / YouTube
Rick learned that sea lion pups don’t have much body fat and they will often look for places to go to get warm. It is likely the pup just was cold and chose Rick’s kayak as a refuge! As you have no doubt noticed, Rick had his camera with him and recorded the whole thing.

Image Credit: Rick Coleman / YouTube
The pup stayed with Rick for about 45 minutes. Then he swam off. Happy trails little sea lion!

Image Credit: Rick Coleman / YouTube
Take a look at this video!
Rick says the whole experience was very special and he won’t forget it! I wouldn’t either. What an honor to be able to witness a baby sea lion up close like that!
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