A heartwarming story exists in the heart of San Paulo, Brazil. It is not a human, but a canine who sacrifices her time and energy just to feed her friends and family living in a junkyard with her.
Meet Lilica, the ‘junkyard mutt’. She bonded with a female teacher named Lucia Helena de Souza, who started off giving her food in a plastic bag. One day, Lilica started to finish only half of her meal, trotting off with the bag. Lucia followed and found out that Lilica does that so she could feed her friends in the junkyard. Lilica’s story was so popular that a filming crew came all the way from Rio de Janeiro to fetch her to their live studio!
Click to watch Lilica in action below!
When animals share food with one another, it is truly a lesson for us as human beings. Lilica returned to her usual routine and is still residing in the junkyard today.
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