Austin spent 66 days waiting. He was waiting for someone to come and take him home. He was living at the Saving Carson Shelter Dogs shelter and had just about given up hope. Dogs have no sense of time, but they do know loneliness and despair.

Image Credit: Saving Carson Shelter Dogs / Facebook
Austin wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself when it was actually time to go! He was being given his Freedom Walk out of the shelter, and he just didn’t believe it! The shelter workers walk him out into the hallway, and Austin stops.

Image Credit: Saving Carson Shelter Dogs / Facebook
A shelter worker takes a moment to reassure him that everything is okay. It takes a few moments, but finally, Austin makes it out! Out and free! The poor guy is in disbelief and actually looks back at the shelter longingly!
It is okay Austin, you are loved, and you have a new forever home! No more shelter for you! Enjoy life! Share away, people.