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Man Snaps Picture Of Dark Ominous Clouds, Chills Cover His Body Upon Taking A Closer Look

Graham Telford, a photographer from Leeds, England, has quite the eye for photography, and I don’t just mean that in the metaphorical sense!

Confused? You’ll see what I mean – pun intended!

Telford mostly specializes in simple yet breathtaking shots of wildlife and landscapes, and one area of this that he particularly enjoys is taking photos of the sky.

Be it foreboding rain clouds threatening to spill over, the majesty of red sunrises, or the breathtaking beauty of blue skies riddled with clouds.

One day, while out taking photographs of the sky, Telford was completely shocked by the result!

In the picture he had taken, the clouds in the sky had formed the undeniable shape of an eye, and it was an accurate portrait!

The eye in the sky was complete with eyelids, a tear duct, and even an eyebrow hovering above it.

Needless to say, this stunning photograph went viral! Some take it from a religious standpoint, saying it is proof that God is always watching.

Others simply marvel at the beauty of nature and how it came together for that photograph.

Whichever side you’re on, this picture is nothing short of amazing!

Share away, people!