Sue has sworn that she and Mia were the only ones at the park that evening. You can imagine how shocked Sue was to see those ghostly images on her screen. She has admitted that she isn’t quite sure what made her decide to take the photo.

Image Credit: Caters News Agency
The picture Sue took has some people thinking that Mia could be a medium that could contact people on the other side!

Image Credit: N/A
Of course, other people are saying that the image is nothing more than a glitch in the camera’s technology. I don’t know. What kind of a glitch would make it look like a man and a woman were walking a dog?

Image Credit: Caters News Agency
Are we just making the image resemble people to make sense of it – kind of how we look at the clouds and see teddy bears and other things? Definitely, something to think about! Share away, people!