You can never be too careful. Modern day conveniences have made our life much simpler. But you have to be very careful when using your credit card. The latest scheme to steal not only your money but your information employs the use of what are called skimmers.
Ingenico, a credit card manufacturer, has a guide on how to detect a skimmer that may be lurking in their terminals (Ingenico iSC250). Scroll down to learn more. A skimming terminal will be much larger than normal (wider and longer).
If you don’t see button lights, that should make you suspicious. Skimmers will block out light that normally lights up the keys.
The green LED light is off or blocked.
Frequent errors in the device. A skimmer will slow down the device and gets in the way of the magnetic strip – so there are more errors. A missing stylus is another red flag to watch out for.
That is a lot to look out for when you shop. Here are a few things you can do to protect yourself
1. Use a prepaid card for your purchases
2. If you suspect fraudulent activity contact your bank immediately.
3. Read all your receipts after using your card.
4. Don’t ever let someone take your card – be there when they swipe it.
5. Set a cash withdrawal limit at your bank, so if someone does have your information, they can’t wipe out your accounts.
Stay safe out there! Spread this information around to your family and friends.