This severely emaciated dog is not dead. But he is very close – as you can see he is just a bag of bones. The dog was taken to the Newark Humane Society by an Animal Control Officer who found him at the bottom of a trash chute. Someone had just dumped him in the chute – if the officer had not found him, the trash compactor would have killed him.

Image Credit: The Patrick Miracle / Facebook
The dog was found the day before St. Patrick’s Day in 2011 and was named Patrick. With no time at all to waste, Patrick’s treatments began.

Image Credit: The Patrick Miracle / Facebook
Just look at the poor dog – and yet he still had the will to live! Patrick was given fluids and a lot of TLC.

Image Credit: The Patrick Miracle / Facebook
The staff at Garden State Veterinary Specialists did everything in their power to help. Patrick got around the clock care. Everyone waited to see if Patrick’s depleted body was going to be able to fight its way back.

Image Credit: The Patrick Miracle / Facebook