Before he was one year old, Haatchi, an Anatolian Shepherd, was tied to the railroad tracks in North London in 2012. When the train hit him his back leg was seriously damaged, and his tail was severed. Five days later, Haatchi was found by the RSPCA. Because of infection, he lost his leg.

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Amazingly, Haatchi overcame that horrible event and is now BFFs with Owen Hawkins, 8-years-old. Owen has Schwartz-Jampet Syndrome, and it causes his muscles to seize involuntarily. Haatchi has been the best medicine for Owen!

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The two bonded the moment they met. Before he met Haatchi, Owen was anxious and withdrawn at school. That all changed! Watch the video to see how one discarded, unwanted and injured dog turned out to be the best thing that happened to one little boy.
Take a look at this video
The two even won an award! Share away, people.