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Orphaned Opossum Refused To Be Released Back Into The Wild Because He Had Other Plans!

When the time came, two of the opossums happily ran off to spend the rest of their lives independently. The third, a charmer named Opie, had other ideas.


Image Credit: Sheri Kassalias

He demanded to be held and bonded to Kassalias so quickly that rescuers felt he was really a unique personality. There were two ways to go about this: Kassalias could either completely cease contact with Opie so he would be releasable, or she could decide to keep him for the rest of his life. She chose the latter, and the rest is history.


Image Credit: Sheri Kassalias

Opie now shares his home with an oddball bunch of siblings – a senior Boston terrier, a 14-year-old pit bull pup, another foster dog, and a 25-year-old tortoise.


Image Credit: Sheri Kassalias

Since then, Opie has registered with the USDA to appear in public and goes to schools with his Mommy to raise awareness and dispel negative notions of opossums.


Image Credit: Sheri Kassalias