Do you have caller ID? Most phones we use have that feature. We are lucky. There are some area codes that police are warning people about. If you get a call from one of those area codes, you should never answer the phone! It is a scam called the One-Ring Phone Scam. The area codes are 268, 809, 876, and 473. Another thing to watch out for is a call that comes from what looks like a local area code, but an unfamiliar phone number.

Image Credit: Facebook / Caroline County, Virginia Sheriff’s Office
The One-Ring Scam works like this: they call your phone and let it ring once, then the phone disconnects. You pick up the phone and redial the number thinking you missed something.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons
But what happens then is that you get directed to a number that charges you a lot of money.

Image Credit: Facebook / WTAE-TV Pittsburgh