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‘Alien Rat’ Abandoned In A Parking Lot Gets A Second Chance. 2 Weeks Later He Stuns Everyone

Soon, Ollie was too big to be safely tucked inside shirts. But, he found he could make himself quite comfortable on CaliCatlady’s shoulder.

abandoned cat

Image Credit: Imgur

Ollie is all grown up – and is now a big brother! Animals are quite resilient. It amazes me that animals are often so trusting and loving.

abandoned cat

Image Credit: Imgur

Most animals don’t demand too much from you.

abandoned cat

Image Credit: Imgur

They just want to love and be loved (and to be cared for properly). Hearing stories like Ollie’s make my heart happy.

abandoned cat

Image Credit: Imgur

If he hadn’t been found, he surely would have died. Thanks to CaliCatlady for sharing this story with us! Share away, people!