This story starts out as a feel-good story – but it has a tragic ending. In San Diego, police officer Jeremy Henwood started a conversation with a young boy at a McDonald’s. The boy, 13-year-old Daveon Tinsley asked Henwood for ten cents.

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Officer Henwood smiled and gave the youngster the money and then paid for his cookies too! Henwood went back to work and within moments was gunned down in his patrol car. Officer Henwood was killed – but his final act on earth was one of simple kindness.

Image Credit: YouTube
Henwood was a Marine combat veteran who had served two tours in Iraq. Take a look at this video
You never know when your life will end. Wouldn’t you like your last moment on earth to be as memorable as Henwoods? Tinsley said he had never spoken to a police officer before and the meeting will stay with him for the rest of his life. Share away, people.