Evelyn and Rocky had been homeless for about three years. They had been a couple for many, many years. After losing a child, the Evelyn and Rocky lost hope and sank into depression. This was not the first time Evelyn had lost a child – this was her second. Years before, Evelyn’s son was killed in a car accident. Rocky and Evelyn had been living in the woods in Tampa Bay, Florida.
They had just about given up on being happy – but still had each other to hold on to. I cannot imagine having to deal with the loss of one child, let alone two. Office Daniel McDonald, a Tampa Police Homeless Liaison Officer, came across their living area and started to talk to them. McDonald found about their losses and how the couple hadn’t been able to get back on track.

Image Credit: WFLA-TV
The couple told McDonald that they were not even married because they could come up with the money for the marriage license. After hearing their story, McDonald knew he had to help. With the help of local business, McDonald was able to raise $20,000 to host a wedding ceremony for Evelyn and Rocky.

Image Credit: WFLA-TV
Cross Creek Ranch donated the use of their facilities for the ceremony. Other businesses donated the dress for Evelyn, a tuxedo for Rocky, flowers, food, and drinks.

Image Credit: WFLA-TV
Watch the video below to hear from the happy couple. McDonald was also able to find a suitable home for the couple through the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) care program.
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