They say age is just a number. But for some – that number can be really a large number! In cat years, he is 141 years old! In human years, he is 31! For a cat, that is an amazing feat! It was 26 years ago that the family brought in the stray cat that was living in their backyard. His name is Nutmeg.

Image Credit: itv News
Nutmeg is lucky to be celebrating his 31st Christmas – he was ill earlier this year. Ian and Liz Finlay, brought Nutmeg into their lives when he was five years old.

Image Credit: ITV News Tyne Tees
Today, Nutmeg has only three teeth and is deaf in one ear. But he is still going strong and is dapper in his Santa hat! Liz and Ian say that Nutmeg is not their cat.

Image Credit: ITV News Tyne Tees
Instead, they are his humans! Anyone who owns a cat probably feels that way! If your kitty isn’t happy, they will let you know and you will be forced to do something to fix it!

Image Credit: ITV News Tyne Tees