Wild animals should not be exploited for the benefit of humans. The crazy-eyed man you see holding the terrified bear cub is Tim Stark. Stark is the owner of a roadside zoo called Wildlife In Need located in Charlestown, Indiana. At Wildlife In Need, the animals are forced to live in small cages, visitors can touch the animals and take photos with them.

Image Credit: PETA
The zoo is home to bears, monkeys, lions, tigers, otters, and other animals. According to Jenni James, counsel for captive animal law enforcement at PETA Foundation, Stark has violated animal welfare regulations in the past. Start reportedly agrees to staff hitting tiger cubs with riding crops and even worse, has allowed visitors to hit tigers in the face!

Image Credit: Wildlife In Need / Facebook
No animal deserves to be locked up and smacked around! I would never pay to go to a place that doesn’t respect the personal space of these magnificent creatures! “Tiger Baby Playtime” is an event where visitors can hold, pet and take pictures with lion or tiger cubs.

Image Credit: Wildlife In Need / Facebook
In January 2016, 41 animals died when a building at Wildlife In Need caught on fire.

Image Credit: PETA