Utter happiness and then despair just eight hours apart. Nathan and Megan Johnson were thrilled to find out they were having a baby.
Megan worked to get everything ready for their new baby girl, Eilee Kate. Nathan, a contemporary Christian music artist, was by her side the entire time.
Megan’s due date was supposed to by July 5th, but when the went to the hospital, the doctors decided to induce her.

Image Credit: GoFundMe
Eilee was born without complications at 2:40 AM. As you can imagine, Nathan and Megan were overjoyed!
Megan was able to hold Eilee and feed her as Nathan snapped photos. Nathan eagerly shared all the photos with family and friends.

Image Credit: Megan Moss Johnson / Facebook
At around 9 or 10 o’clock that morning, Megan ran into some complications, and the doctors couldn’t save her, Eilee had only known her mom a brief time.
Nathan was devastated.

Image Credit: Megan Moss Johnson / Facebook