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Here’s A Valid Reason Why You Should Never Squish A Centipede In Your House

Now, you don’t have to let the centipedes have free reign in your home. No one wants a bunch of bugs scampering around the house. But, if you see a centipede, get it into a jar or something and take it outside. They love damp leafy areas and rocks.


Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If you control the humidity in your home, you can be certain that centipedes (and silverfish) don’t come in. Centipedes won’t do you any harm. Well, other than scaring you out of your mind as you see them skitter across the floor.


Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

They are not your enemy! So, before you step on the next insect or bug, take a quick look. If it is a centipede, you should consider letting it go on its merry way!


Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

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