It takes a lot of guts to go on stage and perform in front of hundreds of people, and it’s even more frightening when you know the performance will be televised for millions of eyes to see.
When Stephen Barry showed up to audition for Ireland’s Got Talent, he was nervous beyond belief. Grasping his microphone tightly, he braved the judges and stood before them, trying not to allow his anxiousness to show.

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He made a unique song choice, opting to perform a song from the 1957 Broadway musical West Side Story, “Somewhere (There’s a Place For Us)” by legendary composers and lyricists Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim. They were big shoes to fill for him, and his nervousness shone through as the music started.
But then he opened his mouth and began to sing, revealing an incredible, almost operatic voice that defied all expectations. The audience was shocked, listening intently as he slowly gained more courage as he sang. It was as though the music was filling his soul!

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As he reached the climax of the song, Stephen’s beautiful voice rang true, and the audience was cheering! The judges even linked hands and began to sway back and forth, enjoying his moving performance. It’s no surprise that he made it to the semifinals of the show! Watch this moving, emotional, and gorgeous performance here!
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