This shocking story, sadly, is true and it says a lot about the people who saw it happening did nothing to help. Just take a look at the photos below, taken by photographer A.J. Labertino. Do you see that naked baby lying there on the steps?! The baby is asleep, naked, and not a single person even cares. These images were taken back in May 2014 as Labertino walked down the streets of Manila – a city in the Philippines.

Image Credit: AJ Laberinto / Facebook
There are so many questions that this photo brings to mind. Where are the baby’s parents? Why is it sleeping on the steps? How long has that baby been alone? You can see that the baby’s feet are filthy.

Image Credit: AJ Laberinto / Facebook
Labertino was shocked at the lack of humanity that the people showed that day. Apparently, they are immune to the plight of begging and homeless children. So, having a baby lying on the steps is just part of their normal day.

Image Credit: AJ Laberinto / Facebook