Luckily, Kyle’s parents had been called and had just arrived at that point. At the hospital, it was determined that the family had inhaled carbon monoxide! They were all treated in Vancouver in hyperbaric chambers and expect to make a full recovery! According to the CDC, 400 Americans die from carbon monoxide poisoning each year.

Image Credit: Monique Ruppel / Facebook
Carbon monoxide is an odorless, tasteless, and colorless gas – and it is deadly! Sources of carbon monoxide in the home are gas ranges, furnaces, and fireplaces. Be sure to install a carbon monoxide detector in your home.
If you already have one, be sure to check the batteries!

Image Credit: Monique Ruppel / Facebook
No one is immune from carbon monoxide poisoning, the elderly, infants, and people with chronic heart disease are more likely to get sick. Share away, people.