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Stepmom Sentenced to Death For Torturing, Adding Anti-Freeze To Kids’ Food

This woman has been sentenced to death. She was the first woman in Mobile County, Alabama to be sent to death row.

Heather Leavell-Keaton will be killed by lethal injection.

She was convicted, by a jury, in 2010 for killing her common-law husband, John DeBlase’s two children.

mother sentenced to death

Image Credit: AL.COM / Landov

Chase DeBlase was three years old, and Natalie DeBlase was four. John DeBlase was sent to death row too.

He was convicted in 2014 on multiple counts of capital murder in the death of his children.

mother sentenced to death

Image Credit: AL.COM / Landov

Leavell put antifreeze in the children’s food. Natalie was choked to death in March 2010 after being tied up with duct tape, put into a suitcase, and then shoved in a closet for 12 hours.

Chase died in June 2010, he too was choked to death.

mother sentenced to death

Image Credit: N/A

The jury voted 11 to 1 that Leavell gets the death penalty. The one juror wanted life in prison with no chance of parole.

Ashley Rich, Mobile County District Attorney, said the death penalty was what she deserved.

In this case, this cruel woman was warranted because of how the children died – by her very own hands.

mother sentenced to death

Image Credit: N/A

Leavell’s actions were called atrocious, cruel and heinous.

Leavell’s attorney, Greg Hughes, tried to argue that she had come from a dysfunctional family and she suffered from bipolar disorder.

mother sentenced to death

Image Credit: AL.COM / Landov

Apparently, she is reading the Bible now and is a spiritual person.

Too late for that now. She has been sentenced to death. What she did to those children is unforgivable.

In the United States, only about 40 women have ever been executed in the past 100 years.

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