The tiny kitten you see in these disturbing images is just one month old. Yes, someone has sewn the kitten’s eyes, ears, and nose shut – with thread. In the Philippines, a cat lover by the name of Lenora Calamba, 41, found the kitten. The kitten’s name is July. July was found in an alley on February 14th meowing loudly and stumbling.

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With scissors, Lenora was able to cut the thread. I wouldn’t have been so bold as to use such big scissors – but Lenora had to act quickly. July was in pain and kept crying loudly. Finally, all the thread had been removed, and July could see again – but she was still in quite a bit of pain.

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They believe that July had been tortured about a week earlier – some of the wounds had started to heal up. Lenora started to introduce July to the other cats.

Image Credit: N/A