Monsters Deliberately Starved This Lion Cub For Months To Keep Him ‘Young And Cute’
Magnus, a lion cub, had been fed a diet of bread and yogurt for four months – which, in case you were wondering is NOT a healthy diet for a lion cub consists of. Magnus was living at a Spanish circus and in the hands of people who hadn’t the slightest clue how to take care of him.
Image Credit: EuroPics [CEN]
Magnus was cute and small – and the tourists would pay to come see him – so, that was how he had to live. Finally, though, he was rescued and just in time. Magnus esophagus had become so small that he needed surgery, and soon.
Image Credit: EuroPics [CEN]
That is what happens when a lion cub isn’t fed protein or solid food – and responsible caregivers would have known that.
Image Credit: EuroPics [CEN]
Magnus was treated at the Hospital Veterinario Valencia Sur Silla, in Spain. Doctors were optimistic about Magnus’ survival, but it is likely he will never be able to eat large pieces of food.