You have probably heard the saying “Work smarter, not harder.”
It means that if you use your brain more when you work, the work may be physically easier – and who would want all their work to be difficult?
No one! Well, humans are not the only ones who can benefit from that!

Image Credit: ResearchGate / Alexandra Bonnefoy
The Japanese island of Yakushima is home to many animals, including the macaque monkey.
These primates are snow monkeys, and they have developed an interesting relationship with the deer population on the island.

GIF Credit: Observation Deck / mxyzptlk
The monkey can be seen riding the deer! This behavior has scientists and primatologists fascinated!
The macaque seem to be using the deer as if they were horses!

GIF Credit: Observation Deck / mxyzptlk
While it is clear that the deer and the macaque have a close bond, it is not clear what the benefits are to ride on the deer.
Nor does there seem to be an advantage for the deer.
One theory is that the macaques’ behavior comes from an instinct they have to carry their babies on their backs.

Image Credit: Google + / Arun Bector
But, it is odd that the macaque have chosen an entirely different species to ride around on!
The monkeys in Japan have also been seen washing their food, taking baths, and handling stones.

Image Credit: ResearchGate / Alexandra Bonnefoy
Two primatologists, Cedric Sueur and Marie Pele, are hoping to study the macaque and learn more about their intriguing behaviors.
The macaque living on the island are not the only ones who have exhibited this behavior either.
The video below shows a macaque from the San Diego Zoo hop on the back of a deer!
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