The birth of a child is something that most people will never forget.
In Texas, Erica Nigrelli, 32, was teaching her class when she got dizzy and fainted. She was also 36 weeks pregnant!
Erica’s heart had stopped. Erica’s husband, Nathan, worked in the same school and he rushed in.
They tried to revive Erica with CPR, but she was gone.
By all accounts, Erica had died. Erica’s daughter, Elayna, was born three weeks early.
The video below is called “Dead woman gives birth and raises her daughter after birth.”
Erica was dead, but because of a unique heart defect, she actually came back to life!
Can you even believe this?!
Take a look at this video
Erica now has a pacemaker to correct the defect.
She should be able to see her daughter grow up!
That is definitely a story for the record books!
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